The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out what the heck happened to him while finding a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will probably take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in

Твоя мать умерла несколько лет назад, а твой отец недавно умер (счастливое начало, неправда ли?). Вы возвращаетесь в дом своего детства, чтобы посетить лучшего друга вашей умершей матери Монику и двух её дочерей, которые выросли. Вы не видели их несколько лет (по причинам, объясняемым в игре). Помимо этих трех дам, в игре будет много других

You take on the role of a successful middle aged man who is starting to feel the years slip by. Maybe the new college students you and your wife have allowed to move in since your kids have moved out will push you into a full blown mid life crisis, or maybe your loving wife can keep your head on straight.

