Жанр: Visual Novel, Adventure, Big tits, Fantasy, Oral, Anal, Group sex, Fantasy, Incest, Futanari, Feet
Цензура: Отсутствует/Есть патч для удаления
Разработчик/Издатель: Ark_Thompson - www.patreon.com/Ark_Thompson
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания:В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
Wondows HDD:750 МБ RPG MAKER
Can Yuki and Ayame help Eri's distress while trying to keep their family united?
Yuki and Ayame are back from Marakoma with Reiko. After finally managing to help her with her own parents they still have to face their biggest challenge. Atsushi, Yuki and Ayame's father, is totally unaware of all the things Reiko did when she was young and he doesn't know all the naughty stuff the members of her family are up to. This time, it's all or nothing. The girls will have to use all the aces they have up their sleeves to make sure things end the right way. It's about their own father after all. And as if things weren't hard enough, Eri, the porn star born in Marakoma will also need their help: someone wants her career to be over and due to the circumstances, the sisters are the only ones who can help her.
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| Slice of Venture 2 - v0.6 Update |
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- The title screen is finally mouse hover friendly! (Thanks Hime for that)
- Made a few corrections on Anthologies.
- Corrected the lack of BGM during Eri's elephant scenes.
- Removed the tiles on the floor to put floorboard instead in the Minazukis house's 2nd floor (for coherence with the 1st floor).
- Changed the toilet paper place in the Minazuki's first floor for it to be on the same side than on the 2nd floor.
- Same went for the train station toilets (now on the left)
- Corrected the lack of BMG during one of Naomi's scenes.
- Corrected a fade-out problem during one of Naomi's scenes.
- Corrected a sprite bug during the well conversation at the shrine.
- Corrected a bug that made the day finish after the first scenes between Yuki or/and Ayame with Mat.
- Corrected several bugs linked to the scenes at the elementary school.
- Corrected a problem making Ayame transparent after one of her scenes with Mat.
- Corrected a bug that made Teppei spawn at two places at the same time.
- Corrected a sprite bug during the conversation at the end of the Komodo quest.
- Corrected some trophies names.
- Corrected a path problem with the Shrine's gate.
- Corrected a bug that could lead to Chisame appearing twice at the same time
- Corrected a dialogue bug with Reiko if you did her scene with Yuki before Naomi got hired.
- Corrected a bug that lead to Reiko appearing twice at the same time
- Corrected a sprite bug with Eri during the conversation between Hana and Kabeer.
- Corrected a bug with the grate on the sidewalk of the shrine.
- Corrected a huge bug that prevented from accessing the cockslap scenes.
- Corrected a bug that made Ayame as the leader and corrupted the sequence of some scenes.
Gameplay Additions:
- A collectible card set has been added to the game! Collect cards through different means either for the sake of it or to get some bonuses!
- Kabeer can now trade your spare cards against stat points!
- 3 new maps have been added: The Ice cream restaurant, Mr Dekai's appartment, the Zebra/Monkey pen.
- An auto-save feature has been implemented to the game. It saves on the 1st slot every Monday evening.
- You can now rewatch all the videos given to Eri by clicking on her computer! (Won't work with the very last scenes included)
Gameplay Updates:
- It's now impossible to trigger a H-scene with the same guy/animal twice the same day (except on very precise cases).
- The "Stop Fucking Everyone" quest has been severly toned down in difficulty. You now only need to trigger the first handjob scene of three different guys, no matter the sister.
- Chie now works completely differently. She's now the start of a new quest instead of giving hints about recipes (since the recipe seller is now in the game).
- Reiko's bad ending avoiding requirements have changed. The last dildo scene is no longer required.
- A bunch of collectible cards are now scattered through different maps.
- 5 new trophies are unlockable.
Art Additions:
- 5 new base images has been added to the game.
- 14 new H-scenes have been added to the game.
- 104 new pics have been added to the game.
- 5 new NPC models have been added to the game.
- A new set of cloths was given to Yuki (Pajama).
- 8 new icons have been added to the game.
- 78 new trading cards have been added to the game (Most of those aren't accessible yet. They'll be in v0.65)
- 6 new trophies icons have been added to the game.
Art update :
- The Title Screen has been updated with Reiko.
- The Title Screen now has a different layout.
- The town map has totally been remade. Icons have been replaced accordingly.
- Totally reworked the map of the confrontation between the girls and Suzuko (October 28th). It's now how it should always have been.
- The hospital maps have been reworked a bit. Changed the layout, the floor tiles and added some new elements.
- Corrected the Atsushi/Ayame scene with the new background (feel like I'm saying this at every update but now it's the good one).
- Matsuhiro's pixel model has been modified (now his legs and paws are the right color).
- The item "address of a good restaurant" now has its own icon.
- Naomi's naked pixel charset has been corrected (it was using an old model that was done last year by nito as a base for future work)
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| Slice of Venture 2 - v0.55 Update |
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- Corrected Yuki and Ayame's cloths during the conversation with Naomi about Mat needing a bath.
- Corrected a bug linked to Naomi's second scat scene.
- Corrected some places names that were showing in French rather than in English.
- Corrected the lack of music in Naomi Stray scat scene 2.
- Corrected a sprite position problem during the conversation between Eri/Atsuhi/Ayame/Yuki.
Art Additions:
- 7 new H-scenes have been added to the game.
- 1 new base image bas been addded to the game.
- 20 new images have been added to the game.
- 1 new NPC model has been added to the game.
- 5 new icons have been added to the game (mainly old ones that didn't have one yet such as Eri, the Rhino or the Pen).
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| Slice of Venture 2 - v0.5 Update |
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- We managed to (Finally) code something that allows image preload on specific situations: Spirtes are loaded while the game runs (it should help low conf. PCs) and H. Scenes are preloaded at the beggining of their events (it'll create a small loading time before the events start but it'll allow small configs to see the pics flow smoothly).
- As a consequence of the upper modification, it'll be possible to add a scene watcher in the game in the future (which was impossible until now).
- However ALL the scenes to have the script lines to preload their images. It's going to take some time to correct that. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Ayame's description has been changed.
- Changed the name of the item "Panty" into "Underwear".
- Corrected Yuki's and Ayame's backwall height (adjusted to 2 instead of 3).
- Corrected the definition of the "Yuki Handjob Construction Site" recipe. It stated 4 in lust while it was 4 in perversion.
- Corrected visual bugs during the second conversation with the naked man of the backalley.
- Corrected the possibility to trigger the rhino scene over and over again.
- Corrected some problems with reading the book unlocking the Playground (Transparent background + Lack of sound when spending money).
- Corrected the spaces at the beginning of each sentence during the cone conversation.
- Corrected sprite positions and text spaces during the conversation with the lolicon worker.
- Corrected a huge bug that if you created the blowjobs recipe for a guy, triggering a handjob would result in getting the blowjob instead (messing up with the events outcome).
- Corrected a bad flow in the Komodo's scene endings
- Corrected a bug that made Mio and Chisame appear twice after you got the rhino element.
- Corrected Naomi's sprite place and pic during the conv when the girls bring the 10 items to Eri (if during weekend).
- Added a missing mouth to talk to the baker (as well as some text correction, and sounds missing).
- Corrected a bug that activated the first floor toilets' text by just passing in front.
- Corrected a bug that made Matsuhiro appear twice during Naomi's arrival.
- Corrected a bug that made the player cross the cardboard boxes in the Hobo blue tent.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the removal of the Blowjob at the Playground recipe for Yuki.
- Corrected a bug that could block the player as they launched the sake quest while shooting a scene at the dump.
- Corrected a bug that triggered blowjob scenes even if you selected handjob scenes.
- Corrected a some map problems (mainly elements you could cross while you shouldn't).
- Corrected a bug that prevented from leaving the PC choices in Ayame's bedroom with the Esc key.
- Corrected a bug that allowed the first bath scene with only one handjob given to the train station guy with Ayame instead of two.
Gameplay Update:
- You can now do 2 actions per day even during week days (a few remaining actions will keep taking the full day though).
- You can now play up to November 10th
- All stats have been raised by one point at the start of the game. Considering most recipes need multiples of 2 to get unlocked it's more coherent.
- Reduced the needed evenings spent with Atsushi by 1 to trigger the post boss diner conversation (3 evenings in total rather than 4 before)
- Removed recipes hints in Eri's office & Station's public toilets due to the anthology seller addition.
- Changed different things about Reiko's frustation. 1) It's now possible to start the scene between Reiko and Yuki the 11th (against the 17th, before). 2) All values are now the real ones (they will be given in the guide's update) 3) A last new scene can now change that value.
- Tweaked Chisame's quest (Horse dildo & Rhino element): You can get the rhino element sooner (the 19th) and you don't need to have finished the Komodo quest to trigger the horse dildo quest (you just need to have started it).
Art Additions:
- 8 new H-scene have been added to the game.
- 3 new base images have been added to the game.
- 68 new images have been added to the game.
- 9 new icons have been added to the game.
- One new pixel animation has been added to the game.
- A new set of pixel cloths for Ayame has been added to the game.
- 10 new NPCs models have been added to the game.
- A new music has been added to the game for H-Scenes (shamelessly taken from Slice of Venture Origins).
Gameplay Additions:
- The anthology seller has been added. You can find him in the library under certain conditions (the sooner being during the second week) and you can buy him anthologies giving you recipes contents.
- A new place has been added to the game.
- Five new elements have been added to the game.
- The first part of the game is now finished. You can unlock the first "good" ending, allowing you to keep on playing during November.
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| Slice of Venture 2 - v0.35 Update |
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- Corrected a bug that didn't remove the Naomi/Mat blowjob recipe even after the game told you it did it.
- Corrected a bug that made the hobo appear twice in the dump under certain conditions.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Zoo quest to be finished if it was made after Eri requested for an advertiser.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the obtention of the Hair element.
- Corrected a bug that didn't remove the Ayame/Convini Clerk hairjob recipe.
- Corrected a bug that triggered Yuki's Construction site blowjob scene when you activated the Playground recipe.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the second watersports scene with Naomi and the stray dogs.
- Corrected a bug that could mess up the scene order at the elementary school and trigger one scene with another recipe.
- Corrected a bug that could block the player with elementary school scenes as the game could think they were still being shot even once over.
- Corrected a bug that made Eri appear twice during Hana's scene.
- Corrected a bug that didn't show Ayame and Naomi during evening spent together with Yuki.
- Corrected a bug that messed up the endless mode.
- Typo correction on two loading screens.
Art update :
- Corrected the Atsushi/Ayame scene (Belt added on the bent variation + lack of thighs + Add of saliva + change of background (Ayame now has a wider seat that fits her width)). All pics have been remade accordingly.
- Updated the credits.
Art Additions:
- 2 new base images have been added for 2 new scenes (and a total of 18 new pics)
- One new scene has been added based on prior base image (for a total of 5 new pics).

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